Information Morning

CBC Radio’s Information Morning Nova Scotia, a morning radio talk show, tagged Ask For It in a tweet that caused a bit of backlash: “One of the secrets to negotiating a raise as a woman? @askforitco suggests open body language, warm eye contact + relaxed tone.”

But they weren’t talking about Ask For It, our organization that seeks to close the gender wage gap through individual and group negotiation coaching.

They were referring to the book, Ask For It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Want, by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever.

Laschever had recently been interviewed on the show to discuss negotiation tactics for women, and Information Morning tagged the wrong Twitter account. This mix-up brought out an important conversation about gender and negotiation, and how 2018 is the year that outdated tactics can be put aside for good.

In light of listener comments, Information Morning asked Ask For It CEO and founder Alexandra Dickinson to share her point of view on the show. Alex and host Don Connolly discuss the new ways women can negotiate and how exactly to do it effectively.

“I have a lot of respect for the work [Laschever] has done. What I will say is that the moment for advice for women to change their behavior has passed. If we want to change, we have to seize that change and be that change, even when it’s terrifying and there’s personal risk.

No one is advocating for yourself but you. Yes, it can feel like a risk, and I know how that feels, but at the end of the day, the only one that suffers for not advocating for yourself... is you,” Dickinson said.

Listen to the full interview on CBC Radio below:

Alexandra Dickinson: Time's up on behavior-based negotiation advice for women
Information Morning, Nova Scotia's number one morning radio show on CBC Radio One