Do This When You Find Out Your Coworkers Make More Money Than You
Photo via Brit + Co
Thanks to Kylie Kendall for working with us to put together this piece for Brit + Co:
Ahhh, the murky world of salary negotiations. Chances are you’ve scrolled through entry level salaries for jobs you want, read up on tips for how to get a raise and honed your brilliant elevator pitch. But what if, even after you’ve done all that, you find out a coworker is making more money than you for the same or a very similar scope of work? Whether you suspect the gap has something to do with your gender or not, chances are you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. That’s why we asked an expert to weigh in. Alexandra Dickinson is the co-founder of Ask For It, a boutique consulting firm that helps women ask for what they deserve — which in many cases is, well, more money. Here are her best tips for what to do if you feel like you’re being paid unfairly.